Adjournment of the Odd Fellows

Indianapolis News,Indianapolis, Marion County, 19 May 1876

Adjournment of the Odd Fellows

Adjournment of the Odd Fellows. At the afternoon session of the grand lodge I. O. O. F., yesterday, a petition for a lodge at Oaklandon, Marion county, was granted and a proposition was made to amend section 1, chapter 3 of the general laws by adding: “Each lodge shall at its last meeting in December elect three trustees, who shall hold their office six, eight and twelve months respectively, and thereafter each lodge shall, at the last meeting of each term, elect one trustee whose term of office shall be eighteen months, and it shall be the duty of the secretary of each lodge to give notice of said elections in accordance with the requirements of the statute laws of Indiana.” Action on the proposed amendment was laid over until the next meeting and after the transaction of other routine business of no public interest the grand lodge adjourned.

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