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Started by Michael:D, July 03, 2016, 04:36:33 PM

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Welcome one and all to
The "Not Mainstream Doctrine" Bible Study, Vestibule Message Board/Forum Topic Area.

This is the on-line home of Greg Davis' ever popular (and often controversial) advanced Bible Study group.

Some of the things we will be digging into are:

  • The gospel that Jesus taught to Peter and the 11... is it the same gospel that Jesus taught Paul?

  • Who are the saved?

  • What is death?

  • What happens after death?

  • What is Hell?

  • Free will, do we have it?

  • Much more (including any questions you may have.)

These and other subjects will be looked into while we try to figure out what the bible really says.

We meet at the Church from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm each Tuesday Evening (barring unforeseen circumstances.) You are cordially invited to attend and we would welcome your participation. If you cannot attend in person please make yourself at home here in the Vestibule. Post any questions you may have and please share your revelations and/or observations. We are all about searching for truth and enjoying our fellowship together as we study Gods word.

We will be recording our meetings so please be sure to have a listen (these are archived nearby, in this section of the Vestibule.) We pray that God would touch this class in a special way. We would be blessed to have you join us but please be warned; "This is not your Grandma's Bible Study." ;)

God bless you all.


Thanks for the intro Mike. Thanks also for not calling this "The Heretic Class"!  ;) For those of you that don't know, we sometimes JOKINGLY refer to this Bible study as the heretic class. No doubt, some people that hear what we discuss might call us heretics, but as Mike has already explained, we are simply looking for Gods truth. The only way we have of knowing what God expects from us is His Word... the Bible.

We believe there is a lot of error and misunderstanding in the Christian church today. If that weren't true, why are there so many denominations? They can't all be right. We are searching for and studying what God actually says to us in His Word. If it isn't in His Word, we can't believe it.

So, like Mike said, we would be glad to have you join us in person if that is possible but if not, please listen in as we talk about the subjects Mike listed and many more. We welcome all comers and all opinions/beliefs will be heard. Once we hear them, we'll dig in and see if we can verify them through the Word of God.

Please prayerfully consider joining our small but on fire for the Lord group of believers fulfilling Gods command in 2Ti.2:15 - "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

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