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Episode 34 - The One Where We Talk About Sour Milk

Started by Michael:D, January 31, 2018, 12:41:33 PM

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Greg, Dave T, Mike:D and Uncle Jack are joined by their sister in Christ, Susan. It was hoped that Susan would bring her daughter with her today but the homework load was a far more pressing engagement...

Susan plays the role of proxy however, bringing to the study group some concerns voiced by her daughter regarding the role she must play in the securing of her own salvation, based upon instruction she has received. We try to keep the discussion out of the taller grass (for a change) and look into what might be considered "essential spiritual nutrition" for a growing Christian boy or girl.

Please listen in...
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If you would like to add to this conversation, please do so in the comments below.
-Or better yet... come join us next time - we'd love to see you there.



That's the guy. Man was he evil.  ;)

Did you notice the name of the file was Sindley Whiplash and not Snidley? That's just how evil this guy is. He can manipulate the internet. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH run for your life from this dude.

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