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Recorded Live / Episode 27 - The One Where We ...
Last post by Michael:D - August 16, 2017, 09:28:42 AM
This week GregD, MikeD and DaveT gladly welcome Jack back into the discussion; promptly delving into a topic that soon reminds us all why this Bible study group bears the "Not Mainstream" label. While in the course of a pre-meeting discussion, the question arose concerning whether worshiping Jesus as God is truly what we should be doing... Is Jesus truly God? Was Jesus just a man? Is the doctrine of the "Trinity" truly Biblical? What is Faith - really? When the recording opens we had already begun our journey down this path of exploration...

A lively discussion focusing on many deep philosophical and theological ideas that many might find uncomfortable. It is of course, an understanding of the truth that will ultimately bring us comfort; so we continue to study God's word - that we should not be ashamed - as we work diligently in our efforts to be "rightly dividing the word of truth."* 

* 2 Timothy 2:15

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If you would like to add to this conversation, please do so in the comments below.
-Or better yet... come join us next time - we'd love to see you there.
Recorded Live / Episode 26 - The One Where We ...
Last post by Michael:D - August 03, 2017, 02:26:00 PM
It had been several weeks since the group ("H.U.H.?") got together to discuss their non-mainstream take on Biblical Truth, but enough is enough... Join GregD, MikeD and DaveT as they begin with a slight lack of focus and faithfully carry that theme throughout the meeting . An interesting discussion - for sure - that touches on several familiar topics and gives some fuel to fire many more meetings to come. 

Please listen in...
Click the player below to listen in your browser or right-click and "save audio as" to download the podcast:

If you would like to add to this conversation, please do so in the comments below.
-Or better yet... come join us next time - we'd love to see you there.
Recorded Live / Re: Episode 25 - The One Where...
Last post by GregD - July 08, 2017, 05:09:31 PM
Hello all. This was a fun and informative class ( I say that like they're not all fun and informative  ;) ) and I wanted to do 2 things here.

1: To post the notes I made for this class (and forgot to bring). These notes are in no way exhaustive but touch on the important points to be made for why Christianity is the right (and only) way to God.

2: I also wanted to thank Phil for being with us in class and welcome him back any time and extend the invitation to anyone else that wants to join in.

We are open to discuss any subject you wish to discuss. No subject is taboo, assuming it is a legitimate search for truth and ultimately involves our Lord and Savior.

Thanks again for listening to our audio and please, join us sometime.
Recorded Live / Episode 25 - The One Where We ...
Last post by Michael:D - July 06, 2017, 09:56:05 AM
It's the Fourth of July and Greg, DaveT, Mike:D and Dara (with Kato the dog in tow) welcome our ol' pal Phil, who joins us for his inaugural visit to this study group! Phil has asked this class to help answer that oft' posed question: "How can we know which religion is the right one?" This is a valid question and one that is the driving force behind many quests for theological truth. With countless denominational "flavors" in the Christian faith tradition, Non-Christian God Centered teachings, along with myriad other - more secular - paths to enlightenment and/or peace of mind how do we know that:

1. God Is Real
2. The Bible Is True
3. Jesus Was Here
4. The Holy Spirit Is With Us
5. Belief Is Justified

These are just some of those nagging questions that many people of faith would rather repress or avoid altogether. The "Not Mainstream Doctrine Bible Study Group" gladly celebrate this nations' independence by addressing these concerns head-on and give it to God to help us shine the light of his truth into these dark corners of doubt.

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If you would like to add to this conversation, please do so in the comments below.
Recorded Live / Episode 24 - The One Where We ...
Last post by Michael:D - June 21, 2017, 12:49:53 PM
Greg, DaveT and Mike:D return to a discussion of Universal Salvation/Reconciliation and begin to present Bible verses to back-up this notion.

The idea that everyone will one day be with God is a very tough concept to embrace in light of many lessons learned through a lifetime of Church-going. Through a careful study of God's word, we are finding the truth presented in the scriptures to be very much at variance with a lot of mainstream Christian doctrine.

Greg mentions in this recording that some documents would be made available in connection with this study; Here are those documents in downloadable PDF format:

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*UniSal is an unregistered service mark of MtZionIndy's Not Mainstream Bible Study Group and is hereby offered into the public domain. It may be freely used so long as this disclaimer remains intact and accompanies any and all usage. Greg D remains owner of intellectual property rights for the term and reserves those rights to revoke permissions in any instance where the term is used to imply anything other than the notion that it is the ultimate council of God's will that He should become "All In All." 
Recorded Live / Episode 23 - The One Where We ...
Last post by Michael:D - June 15, 2017, 11:06:58 AM
Greg, DaveT and Mike:D open the meeting by discussing some popular conspiracy theories. This leads to a contemplation of the likelihood of life elsewhere in the universe. Is salvation extended to the entire Universe or is it only for Earthly Humanity? Is salvation really for "all mankind" or is it only for believers?

This is a thought provoking discussion that probably steps outside of many individuals' comfort zones. How big is our universe? Can we even "handle the truth?"

Please listen in...
Click the player below to listen in your browser or right-click and "save audio as" to download the podcast:

Recorded Live / Re: Episode 22 - The One Where...
Last post by Michael:D - May 31, 2017, 09:52:28 AM
At 14:40 into this recording we were inspired to come up with a potential new name for our study group...

Here is an idea for that T-Shirt:

Recorded Live / Episode 22 - The One Where We ...
Last post by Michael:D - May 31, 2017, 08:57:05 AM
Greg, DaveT and Mike:D are joined by Dara:D and soon(er or later) find themselves in a discussion regarding how difficult we often make salvation. We weigh the notions of "the task of salvation" compared with "salvation by grace of God." What would it really take to fill the pews? What happens to reduce congregation size? Hear a frank and open discussion with several interesting twist and turns. Pull up a set and join us as we explore God's Word of Truth. [2Timothy 2:15]

Please listen in...
Click the player below to listen in your browser or right-click and "save audio as" to download the podcast:

Recorded Live / Re: Episode 20 - The One Where...
Last post by Dave T - May 29, 2017, 07:58:48 AM
How true this song rings. Don't do this and don't do that. But we hope you come back next week. By the way we sure do love you.
In Recorded Live: Episode 21 - The One Where We Just Decided To Discuss Free Will the discussion of free will brought to mind the typical arrogance of many to thank God for some things while taking credit themselves for other aspects of their lives. With such a mindset is it any wonder "Invictus" is often sited among the American people's best loved poems? Read the following and ask yourself if this is how you truly feel... How does this notion fit-in with Biblical Truths?

Invictus (unconquered)

Out of the night which covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul

- - - William Ernest Henley (1849?1903)

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