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Episode 6 - The One Where We Discussed Adam and Eve

Started by Michael:D, August 31, 2016, 05:38:32 PM

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August 31, 2016, 05:38:32 PM Last Edit: September 01, 2016, 02:57:40 PM by Michael:D
In this episode Greg, Mike:D, DaveT and Jack decide to veer away from the planned discussion about "Aon" and "Aonian" and instead allow Mike:D to share his recent hypothesis regarding the nature of reality and God's purpose in our lives. This one is a little "out there" but at first blush the ideas seem to have some merit. This is another of those meetings that goes a little long but that's okay - those are usually the best kind.

Please listen in...

Click the player below to listen in your browser or right-click and "save audio as" to download the podcast:


I am posting a link to the document that I sent to each member of the group (as discussed in this meeting.) This was my first attempt to put some of these ideas into writing:


The document is divided into three parts. The last part titled "Our Part In God's Infinite Plan" was actually written first; ideas expressed in the first document were expounded and/or modified in the article titled "Of Angels and Man. "What the Bible Says to Me" is presented as an introduction to the hypothesis.

The combined is called "Work In Progress" because I hope to continue to add to this work as the spirit leads...

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