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Messages That God Sends Our Way

Started by Michael:D, February 04, 2015, 05:03:20 PM

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Throughout my life I have always marveled at the way the Lord can get out his message of hope. Oftentimes it's a simple question that will have me opening my bible in search of an answer that ends up instructing me in something profound that I was not even aware that I needed to learn. You just have to praise Him for his ability to find you in your needs when all you have to do is acknowledge His power.

Today was one of those days when I did not know I was about to be ministered to in a big way. Here I was minding my own business - well actually Church business because I was looking-in on Facebook to make sure our status was updated and such - when I got a little pop-up alert that one of my friends had updated his profile picture. So I took the occasion of that activity to visit his page (since I had not been to it in several months.)

Terry Wagner is a dear old childhood friend of mine that I have not seen since High-School. In following on Facebook I was aware that he is pastor of a church in Ohio and seems to have a pretty busy family life (what with all the grand kid photos displayed from time to time in the "News Feed.") Today when I visited the page I happened to follow a link to his church's page that ultimately lead me to a video featuring his first sermon of 2015 called "Get Well Soon." It turned out to be a wonderful message of healing and a nice introduction for me, to the preaching style of this servant of the Lord.

I am moved to share his video sermon with readers of The Vestibule and would like to remind everyone that  sharing on Facebook can bring rewards to our ministry by simply reaching more folks. It's working for Tri-State Worship Center in South Point, OH it can work for Mount Zion General Baptist Church in Indianapolis, IN.. Please share our internet ministry with your family and friends because you never know when you just might find yourself as an instrument of God. Ask your friends to visit MtZionIndy.org and listen to some sermons (it is easier than asking them to get out of bed on a Sunday morning (if they aren't used to that.) Once they listen to the message God will deliver them to our doors. Have faith, have hope...

If you do take the time to listen to Terry's sermon will you
please tell us what you thought in the comments below?

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