Topic: Walk Thru: Escape Tiny Island w/WIW

All you need to know to get out of "Tiny Island"

These flowers over here would make a lovely bouquet. After picking a few, I stumble upon a yellow jewel! Well, that explains the panel on the wall over there. However, the panel has three slots. Now, if I was someone who planned on trapping someone on a small island such as this, where would I hide the other two gems…? First, I would go behind one of the potted plants. Then I would put one in an overhead light fixture. I check both places and find that great minds think alike. Using the three gems, I open the panel to find the silver house key. I notice also that the car and boat keys are missing from the box—one way in, no ways out… yet. Well, inside I go. As I unlock the door, I contemplate getting one like it if and when I build my own island hideaway…
Inside I find a map! I am slightly disappointed it doesn’t lead to El Dorado or Atlantis… but it’s still useful! I notice some shapes on the wall and wonder over why they’re there. Shrugging, I turn right.
Screwdriver! One of my favorite tools is waiting on the coffee table for me. Oh, dear—there’s a pesky picture attached to the wall. I take it down to find a gem safe. Completely unprepared, I try the two doors from this room and find both to be locked.
Back in the entry, I take a left turn instead.
There’s a note on the kitchen counter. It sounds like some sort of party invitation. Grumpily, I wonder why I wasn’t invited; I even have my purple yo-yo in my pocket. At the bottom of the page, three arms give some rather confusing directions. I decide to stick to my map. Putting down the note, I find one locked door and a bathroom.
Aw! How cute. There’s a little coin-operated box. Don’t see one of those every day. Unfortunately, there’s not much else in here. I return to the entry way and go straight.
What’s this shiny thing in the pretty flowers? A violet gem! To the right is a locked door, so I turn left instead.
The dining room is next, where I find little more than a nice flower arrangement. Onward.
I come across a bedroom. Someone must be doing some sort of geography project, as there is a pin on the globe over China. A strange panel is on the side of the shelves… This is a job for a screwdriver, which I just happen to have. Hiding here was the black key!
I head back to the black key door and find another bedroom, as well as goggles and a 3-digit box. Hmm… I passed those shapes on the way in again. I wonder… then enter 364, which gets me a yellow gem!
I head back to the entry, then move up two rooms.
I pause in the covered patio to apply some sunscreen—I burn so easily, it’s better safe than sorry. Onward!
Good thing I had these goggles and waterproof sunscreen! I dive into the lap pool to collect an orange gem. This isn’t the time for a victory lap, though.
To the left, I find something strange on an umbrella… Great. Math. At least I have a handy, conveniently waterproof pocket calculator on me! Now, where to use the resulting number…? For now, I take another left.
Towels and beach chairs with a nice view… It couldn’t hurt to take a moment to dry off… As I pick up the nearest towel, I notice something on the chair… a white key! I take a moment to dry off from my dive, then head back to the lap pool.
I decide to keep on with my outdoor investigation for now and take a right.
       Layla  6/10/12, 8:50 PM

Kayaks! I might want to have a race later… Inside one, I see something… A blue key! And that up there? Sneaky coin!
What’s this to my right? A nice boat… Wait… Could this be the way out?
For now, I return to the white key door. This box… This looks like what I saw in that bathroom with the picture and the mirror. I try that pattern, and, suddenly… nothing happens. I strain to think if there was another clue… The front door comes to mind. I try that pattern and… Success! I obtain a green gem.
On to the blue key door. Ooh, I found a quarter! There’s a letter box… Oh! “China” is that long! ...Wait… That’s too easy… Oh, “chain.” That gets me the blue gem.
I head back to the coin-operated box and pay my quarter. I receive a gold key!
The gold key door leads to another bedroom. Ooh! Telescope! Too bad it’s still day time… Huh… What’s this…? Some sort of number code…? Maybe what was on the umbrella will work…? I try it and… whoa! What happened to the telescope!? Wait… This reminds me of some pictures I saw in the white key room…
I go back there and try the new square positions on the pictures. My inner pyromaniac is rewarded for my efforts with a lighter. Well, back to the gold key room.
In the bathroom, I come across a strange green container. Turning it around, I find a green dial. Remembering the confusing directions on the invitation in the kitchen, I set the dial in the same direction as the green arm. Continuing to turn it about, I find blue and red dials and set them accordingly. I check inside again to find a pink gem.
I contemplate what to do with the lighter… All I remember seeing that I could light is… tiki torches. I head back out to the kayaks to test my theory.
I take a moment to file this event into my evidence for tiki torches having magical abilities activated by flame before I collect the red gem.
I return to the safe, but pause before placing any gems—what was the order clue? I dash back to the kitchen and look at the invitation to see that I was right—here’s my order. Back at the safe, I place the gems in order of the capital letters in the invitation.
Ooh… Yacht key. To the boat!
I sail away into the distance and the impending sunset.



(Where Is What or What Is Where, according to your brain hemisphere preference...!)


- SOLUTIONS at the bottom


START (in B)
- collect 2 coins
- collect 3 yellow JEWELS:
1) behind flower
2) behind plant pot
3) in ceiling light
- put jewels in slots (silver panel left of door)
- click button for SILVER KEY
F - get MAP (bottom left in stones)

3 coins in A-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O
2 coins in B-Q-R
1 coins in P-S
- sneaky coin in R (in plant under parasol)

GEMS (order 1-7)
5) C - Blue: from letter box (use globe hint from I)
2) D - Green: from corner box (hint in A)
4) H - Yellow: from number box (shape hint in F)
3) K - Purple: in flowers bottom left on table
1) M - Pink: from green switch box (use paper hint from E)
7) Q - Orange: in pool (use goggles from H)
6) R - Red: from 4 torches (use lighter from D)
- SAFE in G (behind painting, use SD from G ;-D)

A - gold (from quarter box right side mirror corner, use quarter from C)
B - silver (from yellow jewel panel left of door, collect 3 jewels in B)
I - black (behind yellow panel left side of shelf, use SD from G)
O - white (on sunbed)
R - blue (in canoe)

E - white LEFT (key in O)
G - black RIGHT (key in I)
G - blue DOWN (key in R)
K - gold RIGHT (key in A)
B - silver UP (key in B)


- quarter BOX (right side mirror corner)
- HINT on painting & mirror (left side, red lines)

- QUARTER (left side on flower pot table)
- letter BOX (on desk, use globe hint from I)

- corner BOX (hint in A, diagonally mirrored)
- 3 little PICTURES in frames above bed (changing place)
- SWITCH on white wall right of bed
- NICHE right above desk (after setting pics, hint in L & flipped switch)
- LIGHTER from niche

- HINT paper (left side on counter)

- MAP (bottom left in stones)
- shape HINT (triangle-6/star-square)

- SCREWDRIVER (on couch table)
- gem SAFE (behind painting, use SD)

- GOGGLES (in shelf left of left chair)
- number BOX (right of right chair, use shape hint in F)

- HINT (on globe: pin stuck in China)

- HINT (in telescope, use number hint on signpost from P on REMOTE)

- green switch BOX (behind flower vase, use paper hint from E)
(to turn box, click a bit outside of box at right/left side)

- HINT (signpost with numbers on parasol pole)

- 4 TORCHES to light (use lighter from D)

- YACHT to escape with (use key from gem safe in G)



LETTERS (box in C)
- hint on globe in I: CHINA
- anagram:
- tool:
(highlight link & click right to open it e.g. in a new tab)

CORNERS (box in D)
- hint in A: red lines on painting & mirror, all corners pointing outside
- mirror diagonally
- gives for box: all corners pointing towards centre

PICS (in D)
- hint from telescope in L: do the math with numbers from signpost in P
(substraction, numbers change each new game...!)
- gives: 4-digit-code to put in telescope remote
- pic places in frames:
Bottom left - Top middle - Top right
- flip switch! (opens niche right above desk for lighter)

NUMBERS (box in H)
- shape hint in F: triangle-6/star-square
- gives number (count shape points):

SWITCHES (box in M)
- paper hint in E: GREEN arm DOWN, RED arm RIGHT, BLUE arm LEFT
- switches (box turning at right side): G-B-R
- set switches (o'clock):

- safe in G (behind painting, use SD from G)
- paper hint in E:
«Party on the Green beach
bring your Purple
Yo-yo's and have fun on
the Beach. everyone
will be drinking Real
cherry Orange juice! it
will be a blast!»
- all CAPS for order:


this information lifted from comments at … hrough.html