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Welcome to Oaklandon Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:37 am EDT

Excerpt: History of Indianapolis and Marion County

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History of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana, Part 2 By Berry Robinson SulgroveHistory of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana,
Part 2
By Berry Robinson Sulgrove
L.H. Everts & Company, 1884 - Indianapolis

A detailed history of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana, from its settlement in the early 19th century. Covers general history, political history, business and industrial interests, social history, architecture and the history of each township within Marion County.

The following is an excerpt giving an overview of Oakland in 1884:
The village of Oakland is situated thirteen miles from Indianapolis, on the Bee-Line Railroad. It was laid out June 18. 1849, by John Emery. The name Oakland was suggeted by Dr. Moore. The streets have never been improved and many of the houses are in a dilapidated condition, and the village presents the appearance of age and decay. Subsequent to 1849 John Mock, Andrew F. Cory, John W. Combs, and Enoch Hanna laid out additions. The first merchants were the firm of John W. & William Combs; the first practicing physician was James W. Hervey. The town has a population of about two hundred, and has a telephonic connection and a Western Union Telegraph office. The railroad company recently completed a commodious depot, which adds greatly to the comfort of the traveling public. The present merchants are David G. Hanna and Naaman C. Plummer, both of whom are dealers in general merchandise. Andrew F. Cory and Jeff. K. Heltman are the physicians, and Naaman C. Plummer is the postmaster. The name of the postoffce is Oaklandon. The town has three churches, —a Methodist, a Christian, and a Universalist. The last two named have a large membership and are well attended. The first named, however, is in a precarious condition. The village contains a graded school, and the Masons, Odd-Fellows, and Grangers have lodges located there.


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