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Welcome to Oaklandon Friday, July 26 2024 @ 11:09 pm EDT

The Curse of Oaklandon

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I have been enjoying the uncovering of information about the town of Oaklandon for several years now. Little did I know that a deep, dark mystery was lurking just below the surface of my little parcel of Earth here on the outskirts of Paradise (Camp Paradise that is.)

I enjoy lake-front property - I presume - as much as the next guy; in fact, on one rainy morning I awoke to discover my front yard had transitiond into a pond and I had to wonder if the addition of Koi might not enhance this new feature.

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Old Oakland Anew!

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While looking for historical information regarding Old Oakland Golf Course I happened upon the following video that highlights many of the recent improvements made to the grounds. We've seen the heavy equipment there, now we know what they were up to.

Published to YouTube on Jul 16, 2018 by Williams Creek Management
Aerial footage and time elapsed video of Williams Creek Management restoring Old Oakland Golf Course in Indianapolis, IN.