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Welcome to Oaklandon Saturday, January 18 2025 @ 11:34 am EST


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Indianapolis Journal,Indianapolis, Marion County, 25 April 1889



A Convention ot the W. C. T. Unions of This City and Villages in the Country.

The fifth annual convention of the Marion County W. C. T. U. was held yesterday in the Sixth Presbyterian Church with Mrs. K. Loftin, county president, in the chair. There were present delegates representing five unions of this city and Oaklandon, Lawrence township. The convention opened with a half-hour's devotional service conducted by Mrs. Yorger; president of the Oaklandon union, after which reports from the various unions were read showing an encouraging condition during, the past year. Mrs. K. T. Brown presented "The Needs of the Work" in a brief paper that received much after-discussion. Rev. T. J. Woodruff, pastor of Ames M. E. Church; devoted some minutes in a talk on the general work. During the morning session music was furnished by Mrs. F. A. Meeks.
The afternoon meeting was opened with a prayer service, led by Mrs. Telfer. The report of the treasurer, Mrs. H. B. Jacobs, showed a small balance of cash in hand. The annual election of officers resulted as follows:
President- Mrs. K. Loftin.
Corresponding Secretary- Miss Flora Tamblyn.
Recording Secretary- Miss Nora Banna, Oaklandon.
Treasurer- Mrs. H. C. Page.
Miss Mollie G. Hay read a paper on the "Organizer." She was followed by Mrs. Pleasant Bond, who spoko of "Missions and the Liquor Traffic."
The executive committee made its report and suggested the following nominations for superintendents of departments which were duly ratified.
Organization, Miss L. E. Reed; evangelistic, jail and prison, Mrs. B. J. Holland; juvenile and Sunday-school, Mrs. M. M. Laird; teniierance literature, Mrs. M. G.  Hay; narcotics, Mrs. Wilson, Irvington; Flower Mission, Miss Wood; communion wine. Mrs. E. H. Brockway; young women's work, Miss Carrie Duth; press, Mrs. S. Fry, Broad Ripple; franchise, Mrs. Dr. R. T. Brown; peace, Mrs. J. E. Brown; work among foreigners, Mrs. Rev. Woodruff; Sabbath observance, Mrs. E. G. Cornelius; suppression of impure literature, Mrs. Milton; health and heredity, Dr. Laura B. Jennings; colored people, Mrs. James R. McKeehan; county fairs, Mrs. Jennie Yorger, Oaklandon; soldlers, Mrs. Georgia Wright; White Cross and White Shield, Mrs. H. Jordan.
Tho last business of the day was the adoption of a series of resolutions, which were, in substance, as follows: To advocate a careful study, and the best methods for that study, of the different lines of work; to protest against every effort to restrict the liquor traffic except by prohibition; to favor women's right at the ballot-box; to pledge education along the line of social-purity work; to recommend the enforcement of existing laws, 'especially those in regard to Sabbath-desecration and the new anti-tobacco law; to denounce the practice of using pictures of exposed women as trade-marks; to denounce the custom of admitting minors to court-rooms as spectators where trials are being conducted that involve breaches of chastity and domestic fidelity. The convention adjourned to meet in Oaklandon some time in November.




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