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Welcome to Oaklandon Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 04:07 am EDT

Slivering The Family Tree

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Indianapolis Times, Volume 37, Number 107,Indianapolis,
3 September 1925

Slivering The Family Tree

Indianapolis Times, Volume 37, Number 107,Indianapolis, 3 September 1925


ARTHUR HANNA Is held by Federal authorities in Cincinnati under charge of violating the Mann act. He is said to have eloped with his 16-year old niece—an Oaklandon (Ind.) girl. They were married at Newport, Ky. two days later.

Tying an uncle and niece in wedlock practically slivers a family tree into kindling wood. Even nations low in the scale of civilization oppose mating within that degree of consanguinity.

But in these enlightened United States any determined couple, regardless of age or relationship, can buy a regular marriage with little trouble. A jaunt over a state line, a little high lying and simple perjury and the deed Is done.

An Indiana couple, uncle and niece, are married In Kentucky. Several months ago an old man from Kentucky almost married his grand daughter in Indiana. He had a perfectly regular Indiana license and a Hoosier Justice was ready to perform the ceremony when protesting relatives intervened.

The laxity and diversity of our marriage laws encourage fraud and matrimonial ventures contrary to public policy. It would help if the contracting parties were required to furnish more substantial proof of residence, age and other matrimonial qualifications than their mere word. A prospective bridegroom should be given at least as searching an examination as a prospective juror.




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