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Welcome to Oaklandon Friday, July 26 2024 @ 08:58 pm EDT

Search Results

Searched for the phrase ''. Showing 1 - 10 of 10 results (0.0076 seconds). Refine search

1.A Playground Of Dreams
An image search on keword "Oaklandon" has yielded a bunch more images of the wooden play area that (beyond pictures) exists only as fond memories in the minds of those park-goers fortunate enough to have visited this unique creation. I would surely like to learn who was actually behind designing ...
2.A Good Sign for Oaklandon
Image snapped by Dara DeBurger, October 20, 2019 Southeast corner Pendleton Pike & 56th Street
3.Touring the Streets of Oaklandon - AGAIN!
After posting an announcement on the Nextdoor website about the existence of this humble website, I was very pleased with the interest and overall positive response by many of my neighbors (who are also users of that system.) Among the many comments received was one from Nancy Hannet which offered ...
4.Oaklandon Community by Cyndi Sloop
The following article was written in 2007 by Cynthia Sloop for her blog, Cyndi Sloop's Community Scoop.  It represents one of the few articles I have found on the internet that attempts to address the Oaklandon Community as a whole (albeit from the point of view of a realestate professional.) Source: ...
Details from Google Streetview Captures: October 2017 September 2017 April 2012 August 2009,-85.9574452,3a,75y,296.57h,97.2t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sc3Fjt6RKF2qRJFg42NIS0w!2e0!5s20171001T000000!7i13312!8i6656  
6.American Dirt Explores Oaklandon
I was performing a Yahoo search of the web using the keywords "Oaklandon" and "History" and several pages deep into the results I was rewarded with a link to " American Dirt " a blog maintained by Eric McAfee and purporting to offer "Observations of Contemporary Landscapes - An Amature ...
7.Christopher Apple House
Source: Western front of the Christopher Apple House, located at 11663 Pendleton Pike (U.S. Route 36) in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States. Built in 1859, it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. National Register of Historic Places Inventory -- Nomination form. [ 3.5MB pdf ]  
8.Carpenter Realty on Oaklandon
From At the northeastern edge of Marion County, just a few miles past Lawrence and just a step from McCordsville and Hancock County, you’ll find the small community of Oaklandon. Back in 1849, the now-deceased John Emery laid out a small village northeast of the state capitol. Originally called ...
9.Parkour Reviews Oaklandon Play Park
A nice look back on the wooden structures of the good old Oaklandon Play Park of days gone by... Published on Jul 26, 2013 By: Parkour Reviews "My first parkour review, i hope you like it."
10.wikimedia has something
A house and a former church on the western side of the 6400 block of Oaklandon Road in Lawrence, Indiana, United States. This block is part of the Oaklandon Historic District, a historic district that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Source: